1. Side Event at COP19
Dear Friends
We are pleased to invite all attending COP19 in Warsaw to an official side event organized and hosted by Beyond Copenhagen in collaboration with CECOEDECON, PAIRVI, SADED and BJVJ.
"Climate Change & Post 2015 Development Agenda; Implications on Agriculture and Livelihoods for Poor"
A new agreement on Climate change, Post MDGs development agenda and adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals converge in 2015. It has huge implications for development, agriculture and food, and livelihoods. The panel discussion will explore how climate change, agriculture and food, and energy are positioned in these debates.
Date: Wednesday 13 November 2013
Time: 16:45 - 18:15
Light refreshments will be served after the side event. We look forward to seeing you at the event!!
Contact person:
Ajay Jha - k.ajay.j@gmail.com
Soumya Dutta - soumyadutta_delhi@rediffmail.com
2. PreCOP Consultation on
"Priorities and Expectations from COP 19"
5th November 2013, New Delhi - India
In the series of consultations that Beyond Copenhagen has been organizing to draw attention of policy makers and public actors on priority areas for policy and action on climate change, recently, a PreCOP Consultation on “Priorities and Expectations from COP 19” was organized in New Delhi on 5th November 2013. The event hosted Deputy Minister of Environment from Poland, Mrs. Beata Jaczewska, along with representatives from key actors including China, Mexico, Australia and Norway. The press release of the event is as follows:
“Warsaw will not rewrite the Convention” inclusiveness, transparency and fair process to be main pillars at Warsaw COP, says Polish Dy Env Minister at Delhi
Deputy Minister of Environment from Poland Mrs. Beata Jaczewska said that Conference of Parties at Warsaw will focus on inclusiveness, transparency and fairness of the process. Speaking at a civil society PreCOP Consultation in Delhi, she emphasized that Warsaw will make all efforts to have a clear road map till Paris. She added that Poland along with Peru and France is working on a “Troika approach,” which would ensure that a draft of agreement is ready before March 2015 so that a decision can be reached at Paris. Allaying civil society apprehensions she emphasized that Warsaw will not rewrite the Convention. She also underlined that “our focus is on adaptation, and climate finance, however we understand that all parts of negotiations mitigation, adaptation, and means of implementation are equally important and we will try to address all of these.”
The Conference of Parties (COP) taking place at Warsaw during 11th to 23rd November, the PreCOP Consultation was organized by Beyond Copenhagen in collaboration with MISEREOR and Oxfam India. Representatives from key actors including the China, Australia, Norway, Mexico, also shared their expectations from the COP 19.
Earlier during the day, the Consultation witnessed a discussion among the civil society organizations on the expectations from the COP 19. Civil society demanded clear, categorical, and decisive action towards a just, appropriate and equity based framework for climate stabilization. Vanita Suneja from Oxfam India said that the current gap in climate finance is alarming and developing countries including India are rightly concerned about the lack of support they can expect over the coming years, in particular the provision of adequate public finance. Vijay Pratap from South Asian Dialogues on Ecological Democracy (SADED) said that climate science demands clear action and sufferings of the people brook no delay. Chandrabhushan from CSE said that mitigation ambitions will have to be enhanced on a significant scale to bring emissions from current 50 gigatonnes to 44 gigatonnes, which is essential to keep warming below 2 degrees Celsius by the end of the century. He also added that there are no proposals on how equity can be operationalized till now and therefore, it’s important that Warsaw COP comes up with a clear road map with specific targets and timelines.
Sanjay Vashishth from CANSA said that Warsaw must close the gigatone gap and clear commitments on climate finance. Manish Srivastava from TERI said that new market mechanisms must interact with non market based mechanisms to create an enabling conditions so that markets could achieved their envisioned role in mitigation. He also added that the biggest challenge before Warsaw is to restore faith in international negotiations which has been eroding fast due to lack of progress. Soumya Dutta from Beyond Copenhagen said that despite finance being a hot issue for several previous meetings, we do not have desired numbers on the table till now, COP must address this without losing any time. Sharad Joshi from CECOEDECON said that to succeed at Warsaw we must succeed in building blocks at Warsaw and Lima. Ajay Jha from PAIRVI said that the recent IPCC report, WMO report and report of the UNEP brings unequivocal evidences of impact of climate change and wartime efforts are required to meet the demands of the science and address all the critical areas of mitigation, adaptation, and means of implementation. Over 100 representatives from CSOs, media and embassies and high commissions in Delhi attended the Consultation.
Sanjay Vashishth from CANSA said that Warsaw must close the gigatone gap and clear commitments on climate finance. Manish Srivastava from TERI said that new market mechanisms must interact with non market based mechanisms to create an enabling conditions so that markets could achieved their envisioned role in mitigation. He also added that the biggest challenge before Warsaw is to restore faith in international negotiations which has been eroding fast due to lack of progress. Soumya Dutta from Beyond Copenhagen said that despite finance being a hot issue for several previous meetings, we do not have desired numbers on the table till now, COP must address this without losing any time. Sharad Joshi from CECOEDECON said that to succeed at Warsaw we must succeed in building blocks at Warsaw and Lima. Ajay Jha from PAIRVI said that the recent IPCC report, WMO report and report of the UNEP brings unequivocal evidences of impact of climate change and wartime efforts are required to meet the demands of the science and address all the critical areas of mitigation, adaptation, and means of implementation. Over 100 representatives from CSOs, media and embassies and high commissions in Delhi attended the Consultation.
Coordinator, Beyond Copenhagen

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