November 26, 2014

Cop20 Side Event "Adaptation & Agroecology: Women's strategies for Climate Change" - 1 Dec. 2014, Lima (Peru)

Dear friends

You are cordially invited to participate in our side event at the UNFCCC Climate Change Conference in Lima i.e. CoP20 (flyer below):

Title: "Adaptation & Agroecology: Women's Strategies for Climate Change"
Date: 1 December 2014, Monday, 13:15 - 14:45 ; Venue - Room 'Paracas'

Women small-scale farmers are using agroecology to adapt to climate change. But these gains are threatened by a lack of climate finance, false solutions, and a reluctance to address Loss & Damage.

ActionAid, CECOEDECON, and Practical Action will demonstrate how smallholder farmers and communities' experiences and rights must be key to UNFCCC policies.

In addition to speakers from the 3 host organisations, we'll be trying something a bit unusual, where we will facilitate an audience discussion that seeks to "crowdsource" short interventions from the audience on 3 key questions:

1) Examples of food systems threatened by climate change or other threats;
2) What strategies (particularly agroecological strategies) are farmers (esp. women farmers) using to adapt to climate change?
3) What policies are hampering or helping agriculture in the face of climate change?

We would love to have you contribute your stories and perspectives. Feel free to contact for more information: ; ; 


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