December 08, 2009

Our Demands with International Community on Climate Change

1. The Collective reaffirms the principles enshrined in the Rio Declaration and the UNFCCC and its Kyoto Protocol, in particular, the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respectice capabilities having regard to national circumstances, and, the precautionary principle.

2. Indian Government must stand united with other developing countries, G77, and more specifically, the most threatened people and nations - the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and the Small Island States(AOSIS).

3. COP15 negotiations are likely to develop a framework to sustain global efforts to contain climate change beyond 2012. it is likely to have a timeline for longer period say 2050. Therefore, India government along with other developing countries must ensure that agriculture gets due importance in climate change negotiations.

4. The Collective demands that governments of all countries must bring into its climate negotiating positions, the enourmous amounts of strife and hardship already faced by its poor, and amend its position from that articulated and demanded by its ruling elite.

5. The Collective insists on Mitigation First, demanding quick, large, binding and verifiable cuts in GHG emissions from the developed countries with legal recourse for failure to do so, and properly empowered monitoring mechanisms.

6. COnsidering that many of the adverse impacts are now unavoidable, for decades to come - inspite of any mitigating actions by the world community, all countries must seriously prepare for adaptive responses - keeping more vulnerable communities in focus. The recent accounting tricks of showing existing social sector spending as 'adaptation expenditure' in social sector.

And finally, the question of JUSTICE and EQUITY must be brought back in all their dimensions, transcending barriers of nations, generations and species into the centre-stage of Climate Change Negotiations.


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