December 16, 2009


by Soumya Dutta, 15th December 2009
The Official climate negotiations are becoming more and more exclusive, with thousands of people from the civil society being progressively barred from even entering the official negotiation venue - the Bella Centre in Copenhagen. The people's climate convention - the KLIMAFORUM 09, on the other hand, is getting more active, with clear calls to the governments of the world to respond to people’s voices and demands.On the 16th of Dec., a large number of environmental activists will peacefully march to the Bella Centre, and try to force their way in - in a "Reclaim Power Action", where a large number of those inside the Bella centre - including possibly some small LDC government representatives, will walk out in a coordinated "Inside - Outside Reclaim Power action". Thousands of activists will try to take over the official venue - Bella Centre, and turn it into a people’s climate summit, on the 16th of Dec., to mount pressure on the world’s governments.
The plan of the climate justice activists is as follows:
- RECLAIM POWER - Pushing for Climate Justice! 10:00am - Get to the Fence
- Disruptions begin on the inside12:00pm
- People's assembly startsBlue block
The Blue block will carry the people's assembly, it will make it's way tothe Bella Centre along the police approved route, it will then push intothe UN Area to hold the assembly.
- Start Point: Tarnby station, 8am (get to the area as early as possible)
- Green Block:The Green Block will be fast and mobile. It will make it's way to anotherpoint on the fence, near the South West, and try to break through.
- Start point:Orrestad station, 9am
For more information on the Bike Block, actions inside the Bella Center, and autonomous groups actions come to the final action council, tonight 7pm, Ragnhildgade.
Tomorrow we, the movements for global justice, will take over theconference for one day and transform it into a Peoples Assembly. Our goal is to disrupt the sessions and open a space inside the UN area tohold the Assembly. The assembly will give a voice to those who are notbeing heard, it will be an opportunity to change the agenda, to discussthe real solutions, to send a clear message to the world calling forclimate justice.
Reclaim Power! is a confrontational mass action of non-violent civildisobedience. We will overcome any physical barriers that stand in ourway, including police lines and fences, but we will not respond withviolence if the police try to escalate the situation, nor create unsafesituations; we will be there to make our voices heard!


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