December 09, 2009

G77 Disappointed for Denmark Secret Draft

The COP15 summit has seen its first twist with the leakage of a secret agreement draft proposed by Denmark.
The draft suggests that developing countries should accept binding agreements on reducing CO2, something they are not required to do under the current Kyoto agreement. The draft also suggests that the World Bank, an institution under the influence of Western countries (especially USA), rather than the United Nations should control the flow of funding from rich to poor countries.
This incident has disappointed the G-77 countries, whose Chairman Lumumba has severely criticised Denmark’s Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen: “Your prime minister has chosen to protect the rich countries. It’s not on.”
He also says that it is a major problem that there is a parallel process being run beside the United Nations process and that the Danish government with its draft has damaged Denmark’s reputation in Africa.


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